I’ve lost track of all the Podcasts, interviews etc that I’ve either participated in or hosted the last two decades but here are a set of highlights from most recent / relevant to much older…
Microservices (with Martin Fowler)

Martin and I spent several weeks writing, editing and finally publishing the first description of the characteristics of Microservices. It’s become pretty popular which can only be a good thing 🙂
You can find it on Martin’s site here, along with some more awesome resources on his site including his expanded guide here.
Patterns of legacy displacement. With Rob Horn and Ian Cartwright

Ian, Rob and myself have been writing about our (and our colleagues’) experiences displacing legacy software. Its a huge problem for our industry and the skeleton in the closet that holds many organisations back.
You can see our current progress (towards, eventually, a book) here:
Podcasts and interviews
Scaling down complexity in software
I got to spend an hour chatting with the lovely Kevlin Henney about my current fascination with Complex Adaptive Systems and how the thinking can be applied to organisational design and software architecture. And then the lovely folks at GOTO Amsterdam recorded and published it as part of their Unscripted series. For me this was a huge deal as Kevlin has long been an inspiration for me. Hope you enjoy!
Teaching Kids to Code with Sonic Pi • Sam Aaron & James Lewis • GOTO 2023
Not content with being interviewed, I’ve turned interviewer! Here is my chat with the wonderful human that is Sam Aaron about all things Sonic Pi:
Quantum Computing in the Cloud • Stig E. Rasmussen, Søren Gammelmark & James Lewis • GOTO 2023
Something that I’m super interested in, but even with an old physics degree find mind boggling…
Building evolutionary architectures with Neal Ford and Dr Rebecca Parsons
GOTO kindly asked me to interview my colleagues Neal and Rebecca on the release of the second edition of Building Evolutionary Architectures.
You can find the recording here:
Podcast interview for the Tech Lead Journal on microservices and scale
I’m minded to share this episode of the tech lead journal that I appear in – I had a really lovely time in the interview and I hope it sheds some light on what I’ve been up to the last few years
IEEE Software magazine
This issue contains a transcript of part of a podcast I did for Software Engineering radio on microservices and modern architecture.
Interview at GOTO Aarhus
Short (<20 mins) interview conducted by Trifok CTO and all round awesome dude Kresten Krab Thorup
BBC Academy
Short (~15 mins) featuring myself, Russ Miles and Rachel Evans interviewed on microservices. (It’s me! On the BBC!)
Software Engineering Radio podcast #213
This is an hour long podcast from SERadio of an interview I gave last summer. It’s interesting because the longer format gives myself and Johannes time to explore some ideas in more depth than is perhaps usual.
There is a transcript of parts of the interview in the January/February 2015 issue of the IEEE software magazine.
.NET Rocks! #917
A little older but another hour long podcast from the awesome dudes at .NET Rocks where myself and Matt Collinge from Compare the Market talk about organisational change, microservices and CQRS.